2009 calendar updated!!!

Monday, January 28, 2008

KLIM Circuit Run 1

Date: 27 January 2008
Time: 7-ish am
Given time: 1 hour 15 minutes
Venue: Tasek Perdana (pusing2 tasik je)

Ingatkan ramai la SlowMovers datang, last-last Fairul and I yang sampai. Saw Joyce and friend, Shaharudin, uncle Jasmile, Ronnie ... most of them the usual face la.

Ok, the idea of the circuit run is to run as many rounds as you can in given time, which is 1 hour 15mins. One round lebih kurang 2.2 to 2.5 cam tu.

I did three only, sebab knee sudah goyang...hehehe. Fairul tiga jugak sebab nak terberak punya pasal. I noticed la, if kalau nak terkencing, still can tahan and finish the race... but if mau ouk ouk, waaa tak boleh main-main tau, mesti mau dilepaskan jugak. If not, berpeluh-peluh twice as hard. So, to be safe, mesti ke toilet the night before or the morning of the race.

Masa tengah lari terjumpa Mr Tey running the opposite way. Muka cam terkejut je tengok kitorang lari ramai-ramai kat situ. The next round I sampai kat pit stop, dia dah standby dengan camera. So gambar yang ada ni, courtesy of Mr Tey la ye. Thank you Mr Tey.

Shaharudin passed me twice, plus few more after I stopped, so kira-kira HALF MARATHON jugak la dia buat..... IN 1 HOUR 15 MINs. Ceh.... pantas sungguh dia.

Ok la, hope to see the rest of you in the next circuit run. It's fun la plus they give water and 100 plus. And No... No Milo. Dah free pun mau lebeh-lebeh ye. Bye.

By Suriati Sanusi

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

tak best laaa run kali ni. 1st round jer dah kenot go already.
rasa nak membuang laa plak. sib baik ler ader nearby toilet. lepas tu continue the run, tp momentum dah lost, acid lactic slowly took effect.. aisehhh.. habissss...

moral of teh story, buang ler apa2 yg belum dibuang sblm lari. kalu tak bleh, paksa gak buang.. hehehe sekian terima kasih.