2009 calendar updated!!!

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Mizuno Wave Run 2006

Date: 17 September 2006
Time: 7.30am
Place: Padang Merbuk
Team mate: Along, Alang, Chan, Rostely, Jaya and Syikin.
Distance: 10km

Along, Alang, Rostely and Syikin went with me, in my car, kancil. Iskh, sian my car. Jaya and Chan naik motor from office. We were a bit late due to somebody woke up late. Chit.... So that means, tak dapat la parking dekat.

Syikin is actually running for her sister Nina. Nina couldn't make it because she's chicken. Heheh.. no la. She has to go for a seminar in Kuala Selangor, so Syikin volunteered, I repeat volunteered to run for her. I told her she could enter, provided she cannot win. Nanti diorang nak tengok IC pulak, problem tau.

The horn blows at 7.30ish. Jaya, Chan and Rostely ran together. At first, Syikin ran with me, but after the first kilometer, Syikin couldn't keep up with me anymore.

Alang managed to run past me at the 5km mark (water station). I kept my distance behind him. Kalau I potong for sure one, it'll be a competition between us.

Let me tell you about this route. It's hills, hills and more hills I tell ya. And the hills were just getting higher and higher. Giler. I feel like hiking rather than running. The hills at the first 5km were ok, I can still run, but the hills after the water station were killer man. Even my bro with his giganto calves couldn't even lift up his legs (I can see because I was behind him, kan I told you tadi). We were basically dragging our feet up the hills. At one time, I even feel like crawling. I was bending my body so low, my lips almost touch the road.

You know, one thing I really hate is liars. Especially if the person said 'It's down hill from here to the finishing line...'. I tell you, I feel like going back to the person and just step on his feet several times. Down hill konon, penipu.

Anyway, I managed to finish the race at 1 hour and 35 minutes. Ok la, it's before the cut off time which is at 1.40. Alang crossed the finish line 5 minutes before I did. Jaya at 1 hour, Chan 1 hour and 1 minute, Rostely 1 hour and 9 minutes, Along 1 hour and 45 minutes but last but not least Syikin at almost 2 hours.

Right. This would be my last entry for now. After this is Puasa, then Raya. After raya we would have the Subang Jaya 10km run. See you after raya.

By Suriati Sanusi

Monday, September 18, 2006

Putrajaya International Marathon 2006

Date: 10 September 2006
Time: 7.45 am
Place: Palace of Justice, Putrajaya
Team mate: Rostely and Chan
Distance: 7km

I was there since 5.30am. Why? Besides parking, I was also assigned by Bernama to cover this story. First time, must show good impression to the boss.

I was there with Rostely. We saw the 42km runners flagged off at 6am. Then the 21km at 6.30am. Then lepak. Chan arrived around 7am.

At 7.20 we were called to our pen. While waiting, suddenly the announcer said "Here comes the first contestant for the 21km men category". What??? We have not left the pen and there's a winner already? Whoa, I have to run faster la like this. If not, tak dapat nak interview that fellow.

The winner is from Kenya. He managed to finish the race at 1 hour and 9 minutes. I interviewed him later, and he said this was not his best run. Huh? He could have done even better than that? Amazing babe.... tapi tengok la body dia. No fats... just flesh and bone.

We (the 7km runners .. iksh) were flagged off at exactly at 7.45am. I finished the race in 55 minutes. Have to run fast la, nak interview winners. But like the rest of the runners comments, Putrajaya was hot and the ground was hard like cement. Bad for legs I tell you. I even injured my left knees while going down the hill. But not bad. Still can run next week.

Oh yeah. As for my job, I was able to interview few champion runners like 21km women (UK), 10km women veteran (US), 42km women (China), 42km men (Thailand) and of course our national marathon runner Shaharudin (fifth place).

Next week, Mizuno Run.

By Suriati Sanusi

Merdeka Run 2006

Date: 27 August 2006
Time: 7.30 am
Place: Dataran Merdeka
Distance: 4.4 km (eleh kacang je ni)
Team mates: Along, Alang (my bro), Rostely, Jaya & Chan (tapi tak jumpa these two boys).

Rostely and I went very early (by now, you guys should know why already... parking babe). Along and Alang came a little bit later, naik LRT. Tried calling the two boys, tapi tak dapat pulak. They did not bring their handphone.

Today's Alang's first tryout and running for our group. After hearing Along braging about her medal in MPAJ run, Alang wants to show his skill. Unpolished skill, if i may add. Ye lah, when was the last time he ran for a competition? I guess this is ok, only 4.4km, tak pengsan punya.

By 7.30am, everybody was in front of Sultan Abu Samad building. Aiseh, drizzling pulak. Hmm... running in the rain la jawabnya. Few minutes later, the horn blows.

At the end, the best part about this run is, cucuk the Bendera Malaysia with coloured pins according to the colour of Bendera Malaysia. Four of us, Alang and Rostely, Along and I, were so engrossed doing it. By this time, Chan and Jaya have already left. We did not manage to meet them, but they gave me a call after the run. Alang almost got a car for lucky draw, but due to some technicality, the surname was mistakenly written (sebenornya, memang tak menang pun, coincidently nama sama... hehehe).

Right, that's it. Next run, Putrajaya International Marathon. Adios...

By Suriati Sanusi

Monday, September 11, 2006

MPAJ Run 2006

13 aug 2006, Ampang Jaya..

After the elderly run, the Slow Movers are back with Youths, took part
in the MPAJ run -10000 M babe....powernyyyyyyyya.
-manage to finish the race in about 58 min. it was hot like......of course not like the PCD.
The knee pain was still there...when will it go off....????...must really work on it...

SM's timing

- Jaya - 57 min
- Rostalee - 1 hr 10 min
- Su - 1 hr 20 min
-Kakak SU..finishes the 7 km run (Veteran) in 70 min.
Got a medal for the position of 41....Thaniah..Mak cik.. keep it up.
Sorry Makcik..gambar blur... (ada orang dengki kot)..faham2 aje..lah....hehehhe

Comin up Next ..the Merdeka Run...... Inilah barisan kitaaa......The Slow Movers...menuju ke arah...???

By Chanbai