2009 calendar updated!!!

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Great Eastern 30KM Run 2009

EVENT: Great Eastern 30KM Run 2009
DATE: 18th January 2009
VENUE: Padang A, Lake Gardens
RUNNERS: Shahrizal and Fairul (30km), Suraiyah, Sumarni, Chan, Fuzahir and Javier (20km)

THE run which I practically walked almost a third of the distance and had a female runner for company during the last 4km. Judy from Kelana Jaya was my companion during the most lonely, boring and tiring part of the race, and we chatted all the way to the finish line.

Like me, she was unable to run because of cramps and I was looking to strike a conversation with her to kill the boredom. It was also her first 30km run.

Still chatting merrily as we approached the finish line, several running friends were amused enough to tease us and made comments like "no wonder you took so long to finish" and "eh, you guys went to the shopping complex first?"

Anyway, we achieved our target of finishing the gruelling 30km run, though it took us almost five hours to reach the finish line.

About the race, I considered it the toughest I've ever run. Though the route is different from last year, the hills are still there to torment you, body and soul.

Only this race can made me sing songs, shut my eyes for several seconds while running, and voicing out the anger and regret about signing up for the race countless times.

But it also provided the biggest satisfaction as soon as I crossed the finish line, especially when a lovely finisher T-shirt is also given to 30km runners. Along and Angah, eat your heart out.

By Shahrizal Sanusi

Thursday, January 01, 2009

One Mile Dash 2008

(some photos are credits of RunWitMe)

EVENT: One Mile Dash 2008
DATE: 31st December 2008
ATTENDEES: Suraiyah, Sumarni, Suriati, Izzat and Iylia

AT about almost 10 pm, Along called me at the office, and she was almost screaming with delight on the phone. "Along dan Angah dapat podium finish dalam One Mile Dash! Along got second and Angah third!"

Fuyoo, my two half a century old sisters achieved another milestone in their running careers. "Congratulations," I said, though I felt she was not telling the whole story. I was right.

After the euphoria had gone down, Along in a softer tone said: "Mana tak dapat podium finish. Yang lari dalam kategori wanita veteran hanya TIGA orang! So podium finish memang guaranteed!" And she burst out laughing.

Tak kisah la kan. Whatever it is, the results of the race said Suraiyah Sanusi is second and Sumarni Sanusi is third, so you deserved to bask in your glory.

For Along, this is the first time she had a top three finish, jadi dia memang thrilled gila. Angah relaks sikit pasal pernah dapat nombor dua dalam Nacscom Charity Run 2007. Both of them also finished in the top 10 in the Rimbathon Run at FRIM, Kepong in August last year.

So congrats again to my sisters, with a parting message... it would be much better if one of you write the race report... barulah readers boleh 'feel' what you guys went through before, during and after the race. Next time, okay?

By Shahrizal Sanusi